Natural, effective, no added chemicals, ingredients you can pronounce

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Eye Yi Yi Yi Yi, why is eye cream so expensive?

Well, let's start with what we know.  The skin around your eyes is different than the rest of your face.  It's thinner (reason to celebrate?) and more delicate.  It therefore is more susceptible to all those environmental factors that impact how we look.  Add some not so favorable genetics to the mix and you've got a hot mess.   The big brands take advantage of all of this and put lots of fancy (or fancy sounding) ingredients in their products, charge you a premium AND make the jar so small you can barely stick your pinky in it.    Not so here at 3Sistas.  Quite honestly, we goofed.  We thought 2 oz. sounded like very little, but it's more than twice...

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Clogged pores

My husband got his first ever facial recently.  We've come full circle - from spittin' chiklets on the ice, to warm face towels and fancy red lights.  He suffers from lots of "congestion", not the nose kind, but the pore kind.  He was convinced his skin was oily - to the contrary, it's rather dry.   So, after lots of unpleasant "congestion removal" he's turned a new leaf (or layer of skin) and is a believer.  Yes, we welcome men to the sistahood.

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Cocoa Butter: The Savior For Dry Skin

Cocoa butter. Is reading this making you drool? We understand, because who doesn’t love chocolate! But, did you know that the butter derived from cocoa beans is a fantastic skin moisturizer? Yes, cocoa butter is a boon for people with extremely dry and dull skin. It offers plenty of benefits, besides having an irresistible natural fragrance. If you want to know how to incorporate cocoa butter in your skincare regimen, keep reading! What Is Cocoa Butter? Cocoa butter is a white-colored, creamy fat derived from cocoa beans. The beans, separated from the pods (fruit of the cacao plant), are fermented, roasted and crushed to extract cocoa powder and cocoa butter. While the two are again combined to create chocolate bars, the...

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